Fuckin, fuckin shit... Nobody reads me, because i dont even know, what to write, my life becomes dull & grey ... Nothing interesting or amazing... I read "The Bolshoi Gorod" yesterday, and the result is, that i want to visit some new and unknown museums, may on tuesday?
My life now is all around Him, smtimes it seems to me, that i devote all my time, all my thoughts.. Its too much; i'm in need of some fresh and new ideas, impressions and people.

Also, i understood today/this summer/not so long ago that i'm not sure in my future career, my education, may be "art in political studies" was a mistake, but all, that i can do now is to wait.. wait for a september.

Quiero un anillo de oro.. de oro blanco o rosado, pero..

Простите за ошибки в тексте, которых, я подозреваю, будет предостаточно.